Pictures & Text's must have Permission to use for Duplication.
Please Contact Kimberly for Permission. 
Scroll down and Find your Litter Letter. 
I Put New Pictures up all the Time. I do group the Litters together.
ZZ Litter
YY Litter
XX Litter
WW Litter
V V Litter
V V Litter - Blue Collar Boy Green Collar Girl Pink Collar Girl
Pink went to Denmark. Best Litter yet!!!
UU Litter
TT Litter
SS Litter
RR Litter
RR Litter - Yellow Collar Boy
Hi Kimberly
Mako is doing great, here are some pics
His personality keeps evolving, great dog. We hike and bike ride together. He is SUPER smart.
Happy Holidays !!!
QQ Litter
PP Litter
PP Litter - Dk Blue Boy
PP litter - Lt Blue Collar Boy
Lt Blue Boy with his new friend.
PP Litter - Yellow Collar Girl
She is getting ready for her flight with her new Family
Hey, Kimberly!
an update on Yellow! We renamed her Korra, because no one could
pronounce Pharah. Haha. We’ll keep that for her AKC name, but she’s been
our little Korra-Borra at home.
She’s settling in remarkably well—in
just one week, she’s almost entirely crate trained, and has no problem
sleeping through the night in there. Potty training is progressing as
expected; she’s taken herself out a few times, but also had a few
accidents when she forgets. It’ll get better with age, I’m sure!
amazed at her temperament overall; you obviously did a TON of
socialization before I ever brought her home, because nothing really
fazes her. When I pick her up, she’s perfectly
calm, and out in society
she’s the perfect fuzzy kid! Everyone loves to snuggle her!! She’s
easily redirected when she finds mischief at home, and I can see how
great of a dog she’ll be
in a few months. Very exciting stuff!
Enjoy these pics, and thanks for all your hard work raising this girl!! I can tell she’s going to be AMAZING.
PP Litter - Pink Collar Girl
Pandora is visiting us today! What a great time we all had!! Thank you
PP Litter - Green Collar Girl
Green Girl at work with her new owner!
To my friend Kimberly. Yesterday at Rally practice I ran into a family.
One little girl around 6 yrs or so. Deathly afraid of DOGS!! She asked
if she could help
me-I told her to wait 10 min and I would come and get
her and then she could walk the rally course. She was an amazing little
girl. We walked the course then I asked
her if she wanted to walk it
with a dog. She said YES! I had my baby Terv- who will be 2 in Feb. She
was in her crate and had been locked in for about
45 mins or so
while I set up the course. I went over to Pele's
(Higgins) crate took her out-then she nosed the little girl who
immediately screeched due to her disabilities-immediately
Pele' put her
nose right into the little girls face then her chest. She did NOT react
to the screech in any way. The little girl was calmed down instantly,
and we began to
walk the course. With leash in hand Pele' and the little
girl wondered through the rally course. When we were close to the end I
extended the leash I had on the pup so
that the little girl thought she
had control of Pele'. It was wonderful to see that pup with that child.
The parents watched in awe and this fearful child put her trust into
young dog that demonstrated trust and kindness in return. The point of
this story-I have had the privilege of owning 3 Roberson Belgians. All
CH all amazing.
They come right out of the crates ready to LOVE and
protect anyone who may need that protection. I know MANY excellent
Therapy and Handicap dogs.
However, most of them have had some intense
training and exposures. Pele' is new to this type of training. My other
Tervs-very much the same personality as Pele'.
Kimberly puts her heart
into her dogs. At 10 wks old-they are house broke and very socialized.
My male is very protective-when told to watch a child-well he does his
job very well!! Good luck stealing a child from him!! Yes, there are
MANY excellent breeds that respond well. But-I have NEVER ran into any
dog that responds like a
Belgian-which there are 4 varieties! The Terv
is naturally my favorite, but the other 3 types are also excellent.
Kimberlys dogs are all old lines. All imports.
All with amazing
temperaments. All very easy to train. SO... HATS OFF to a great woman
who has bred great dogs. HATS OFF to my dogs!! For allowing me to have
The strange thing about the Terv and the Belgian in general-
they PICK their perspective owner. Puppies will seek out who they want a
life with- Kimberly tries to put the
right owner with the right dog.
Sometimes she has to change the perspective owners mind-to a different
puppy. Her dogs are all healthy and happy. THANK YOU my friend!!
YOU for introducing me to the best of the best in dogs!!
PP Litter - Orange Collar Girl
OO Litter
OO Litter - Lt Blue Collar Boy
Hi Kimberly,
have been thinking about getting a dog my entire life. Finally decided
to take the leap in 2019 only to be let down by several breeders.
Somehow I found Kimberly's website and after a lot of
thought I decided
to try again for a 3rd time. I called and she picked up right away!
Kimberly worked with me to figure out when the next available litter
was and gave me a 100% assurance
without asking for anything in return. I
called her every week since then and she's always picked up my phone
call and spoke to me until all my questions were answered. Kimberly
closely to what I wanted and did everything possible to try to
get me what I wanted. Although this seems like something that you may
expect from any breeder, it's not always true.
Usually breeders are in
the business just for the money but Kimberly cares deeply for the
animals and it shows.
posts a picture of the puppies when they're born along with updates
every week. The entire process was a breeze and the book she made for us
is simply amazing. I cannot emphasize
how knowledgeable she is and how
healthy her dogs are. There has not been a single place I haven't been
without someone asking me about my dog because of how captivated they
are when
they see him. I am extremely happy with my choice to go with
Roberson Belgians and I will never get a Tervuren from anywhere else.
that this took forever to get to you, hopefully it's good. I wanted to
share my entire experience with anyone who comes across it.

OO Litter - Red Collar Boy
OO Litter - Pink Collar Girl And her New Friend LL Litter - Red Collar Boy
OO Litter - Purple Collar Girl
OO Litter - Orange Collar Girl
I am a lucky guy. I have always loved having dogs in
my home and have been thinking about a Tervuren for some time. So, I
went ahead and got connected to Kimberley and her wonderful pups.
I got
in on a great litter. My sweet pup, Breeze is home and already settling
in very well. She is wonderfully independent, smart and she is a hoot.
am so very grateful to Kimberly and Roberson Belgians for bringing
such joy and love into my life.
Bree says thanks too.
She is showing off her big girl crate 😏
Hi Kimberly,
I just wanted to get you a note regarding our progress here. Miss
breezy is incredible in her intuition. It rarely takes more than once or
twice to redirect her. She's responding to almost
all of the leash
commands and she's only 4 months old. She is a delightful friend And a
wonderful pet
She's a dream
Thanks again
I wanted to give you a one-and-a-half-year update.
Miss Breezy is doing very well and is becoming the most amazing animal. I
have never known an animal to be as bright, happy,
intelligent, and
downright precocious as Breeze.
It's funny, Everyone says hi to her in the neighborhood on our walks
(not to me, but to her
and when she is out back on the back deck.
The school bus stops in front of our home, and Breezy always loves
interacting with those kids early in the morning. A big circle of happy
kids with Breezy in the middle.
She has a best friend, Mila, A Eurazur,
She is a superstar at the dog park too.
The intelligence is astounding. She is now "off-leash" trained very
loyal and obedient.
But the most amazing thing is here level of affection. She just loves
her family sooooooo much.
I wish there were enough words to tell you how wonderful she is.
Many thanks again
D Drew
OO Litter - Green Collar Girl and M Litter - Red Collar Boy
NN Litter
NN Litter - Blue Collar Boy and N Litter - Lt Blue Collar Boy and some of his New Family
NN Litter - Red Collar Boy & CC litter - Lt Blue Collar Boy
Video of Schafer learning how to shake.
NN Litter - Pink Collar Girl with her new friends.
NN Litter - Purple Collar Girl
We are so happy with our Mia from Roberson Belgians! She is truly a
special girl!! Kimberly Roberson is not only an exceptional breeder but a
wonderful,caring and compassionate person!!
She is always available to
answer any questions we have and her knowledge, love and understanding
of the Belgian Tervuren is unequaled!! It is very obvious how much care
and love she
puts into these fuzzy kids!! Our Mia is very sweet and well
tempered as well as playful with just the right amount of mischief!!!
She is our first Tervuren but she will not be the last!!
We will always
go back to Roberson Belgians,they are the best!!!
MM Litter
MM Litter - Lt Green Collar Boy
MM Litter - Purple Collar Girl
MM Litter - Yellow Collar Girl And DD Litter - Dk Green Collar Girl
MM Litter - Pink Collar Girl
HI Kimberly,
know have communicated with Ben regarding Miska. I want you to know I
am grateful for your little pup. Ben has not been attached to any one of
our other dogs since his golden
Thor passed over 20 years ago. He is
in love with this pup as am I. She is so cute, smart, and happy. She
loves Alaska and loves to play outside. We will send a picture soon.
Thanks again, Lisa

MM Litter - Dk Blue Collar Boy
MM Litter - Red Collar Boy (In his new home sleeping with his friend)
MM Litter -Dk Green Collar Boy (In his new home)
MM Litter - Orange Collar Girl
Kimberley Roberson has changed my life. No joke. I
haven’t had a puppy for 50 years until last Sunday. We contacted
Kimberly about 11 weeks ago about her upcoming litter of Belgian
She quickly responded and we quickly reserved a puppy.
Kimberly sent detailed photos and videos of the growth of the litter.
Kimberly has excellent communication skills and she even put together
book for Scout. It was filled with essential information about Belgian
Shepherds along with a detailed genealogy. She introduced us to Scout’s
parents and then out came Scout.
She was affectionate from our first
moments together and was a champ in the car. We have another dog and
Scout and he are great together. Scout is an energetic, brave and
playful dog.
It is obvious from Scout’s disposition that Kimberly is a
master breeder. Even with our masks on, Kimberley was warm, intelligent
and caring. She takes breeding extremely seriously and Scout is
of her love and dedication. We consider ourselves so fortunate to have
found our new pup at Kimberly’s loving home.
Robert & Steven
MM Litter - Lt Blue Collar Boy with all his New Family!
Kimberly & Dale,
Such an honor.
As a farmer, Pop & I fed families.
As a counselor, I restored spirit.
You restore the soul.
All’s going well—Thank you!
Emma, Catherine, Paul & Mattie
LL Litter
LL Litter - Blue Collar Boy
LL Litter - Red Collar Boy
Hi Kimberly
is a rock star! In his first 9 months he has quickly become a fixture
of the Santa Barbara / Montecito community. Words can’t express how much
and joy he brings to our family as well as everyone he meets.
He is
quite the ambassador for Tervs. We are so in love with him it’s
ridiculous. We would love to have a little brother for him. Any litters
on the way soon?
Thank you,
LL Litter - Pink Collar Girl and Friends
KK Litter
KK Litter - Red Collar Boy
KK Litter - Purple Collar Girl
Hi Kimberly just wanted to
share a recent photo of our beautiful Bagheera. She is the most
gorgeous dog..literally every day another stranger will stop and ask me
“what type of
dog she is”. ..I
have yet to be out and pass people either on trails or just out and
about where I don’t see..”oh my gosh, your dog is gorgeous”…”what a good
looking dog”…etc etc.
KK Litter - Pink Collar Girl
JJ Litter
JJ Litter - Red Collar Boy (With his new Daddy)
JJ Litter - Lt Green Collar Girl
Oh Please!!! I was a good girl!!!!
II Litter
II Litter - Yellow Collar Girl
Hi Kimberly
I said to Ambros yesterday, he has a
mountain dog, that loves the snow, I have a beach dog that stays inside
as much as she can, doesn’t like the cold.
We went to a
confirmation show with them in October. Yesterday we went to a
confirmation class, that gave us a bit an idea what the judges are
looking for. The Judge was judging the dogs.
At the beginning, she said,
is no dog out there, that is perfect, so we need to know what the
strength and weakness are of our dogs. When she judged Iieana, she had
to revise her statement.
She said she never has seen a dog that is so
perfect built like her.
Take care,
II Litter - Red Collar Boy & LL Litter - Yellow Collar Girl
Dear Kim and Dale,
Our family is now
complete! The love and care you give to your Fuzzy Kids is so evident
in our babies:) Ramses and Nefertiti hit it off splendidly, as I knew
they would! Nefertiti may be younger
than Ramses but he definitely
knows who the new boss is:) Thank you for yet again enriching our
lives; please know that we will always be your strongest supporters!
Sean, Cathy, Ramses and Nefertiti
II Litter - Dk Green Collar Girl
Hello Kimberly,
I hope all has been well with you over the last few months. I just
wanted to reach out with my testimonial about purchasing Iona from you
this last October. Also,
I wanted to share some pics of the pup with you
as well.
Iona has been doing great and we absolutely love her! She has been an
amazing, smart, and obedient pup! We have had zero issues with her
training and behavior
and her intelligence continues to amaze me, as she
gets smarter by the day.
"Bringing home our new puppy from Kimberly was one of the best
decisions we have made. We were able to bring Iona home with us last
October (2019) and she
has been such a wonderful dog. I still cannot
believe how intelligent and obedient she is, we
had her potty trained within just a couple weeks and have never had any
major issues with chewing or behavior. These Belgians learn incredibly
Iona is one of the most loving and cuddly pups around. She loves
to play fetch, hike, and meet new dogs and people. We have only had her
for a short four months,
but we could not imagine life without her. It
feels like she has always been part of the
family. I believe there is no better companion and friend than a
Belgian Tervuren!
Kimberly and her husband are some of the nicest people that I
have come across and would recommend that anybody looking for a dog come
to them. Kimberly is super knowledgeable and resourceful and stays
on-call with any questions you may have about
raising your new pup. She makes bringing your new puppy home a breeze
and provides you with all the information and things you need. You
cannot go wrong with a Roberson Belgian, my family and I could not be
Thanks so much for everything! I hope that things will continue to go
well for you and your family. I am thinking here soon I may want to
purchase another pup so Iona
can have a little pal to spend her days
with. I have fallen in love with the Belgian Tervuren
Also, I wanted to ask about the citizenship class that you do. Is that coming up this spring?
The pictures are from our recent trips to Moab, UT, and the Utah West Desert. Also, she loves car rides to new places.
II Litter - Red Collar Boy
I had been trying to talk my husband
into getting another dog for about 4 years. We had lost our beloved
German Shepherd mix in 2014 and were devastated.
My husband said he
just couldn't go through that again. Last year he finally started
feeling ready again, so we started researching breeds. I had never
of any Belgian breeds other than the Malinois but one look and we
were hooked.
When I found the
Roberson's website, I was impressed but, of course, we wanted more info.
I fell in love with Kimberly from the first phone call!!!
We arranged a
visit and that was it for me. Not only are Kimberly and Dale really
neat people, but their pups are so well socialized and gorgeous!
knew we had found the right place to find our new baby:)
Ramses was born one day after we met Calista and Z'Air, his parents.
He has changed our lives and our hearts are fuller. Ramses is a
sweetie; no matter
how much the cats hiss, he still wants to play with
them. He and our 2 year old granddaughter are best friends and he loves
to hang out with my parents' Labradoodle.
Best of all though is that my
husband is completely in love (I'm almost jealous). The hole in his
heart has been filled. When I say "Daddy's home" Ramses smiles and
out the door as fast as he can to greet him. Watching them hug every
evening still makes my teary.
Thanks to you both; we are looking forward to adding to the family soon!
Love, Cathy
II Litter - Blue Collar Boy
Our new dog
Loki has quickly become a cherished member of our family. After two days
he was sleeping through the night. Potty training is going
very well.
Any accidents were usually our fault not his. His intelligence amazes
all of us. He knows his name and sit, wait, come, up, down, shake, and
His cuteness
level is off the charts! People pull over in cars to say how cute he is.
He is socializing well with people and other dogs.
This is our first dog, and I am very happy that we decided to go with Robersons Belgians.
HH Litter
HH Litter - Blue Collar Boy & Pink Collar Girl
For anyone who is interested in the Belgian Tervuren breed of dog, look no further than Roberson Belgians.
Kimberly Roberson has been raising Belgians for years.
I bought my first Belgian from Kimberly sixteen years ago, a beautiful dog she was.
She passed away two yrs ago at age fourteen.
This month I purchased a male and a female. They are adorable. Kimberly raises her dogs like one of the family.
They are raised in her home. She is a very reputable breeder and her dogs are beautiful and well adjusted.
I wholeheartedly recommend Kimberly Roberson.
Sincerely, Charlotte
YY Litter
wife and I recently purchased our second puppy from Roberson Belgians.
We bought our first two years ago and
love her so much, we had to get
Both puppies have made it to us in great health! Our experience
with Kim and her kennel has been nothing but exceptional.
She has
provided excellent support to questions and concerns we had leading up
to, and after receiving both of our puppies.
They learn so quickly, and
make some of the best canine companions available.
The dogs came
extremely well socialized which made our transition from one dog to two
very simple. I cannot speak highly enough,
or more strongly recommend
Kimberly of Roberson Belgians.
(Y litter -Yellow Collar Girl)
See my litter brother?? I am waiting for him to grow up so he can
fly out here to live with me!!!
(GG litter - Blue Collar Boy)
FF Litter
FF Litter - Red Collar Boy
We have had nothing but good experiences
with the Roberson’s! Kimberly has been very helpful and friendly ever
our first visit and answered all of our questions (we had a lot)!
Kimberly is extremely informative and very organized.
When we picked up
our pup to take him home she gave us an entire folder full of
information pertaining to Tervs specifically
and a whole list of shots
and things we need to do within the first year which makes it very easy
to follow and check off.
We’ve had our pup for 2 months now and We
couldn’t be happier! He’s an amazing companion and worth every cent.
loves people, kids and dogs. My wife and I love him dearly and can’t
wait to experience life with our new addition.
I would recommend
Kimberly to anyone looking for an amazing show quality Terv! Everywhere
we go we get
compliments on how amazing he looks!
EE Litter
EE Litter - Purple Collar Girl
This is the pilot flying the plane, He wanted to see the Belgian puppy on board!
Windy With her Daddy!
EE Litter - Red Collar Boy and Pink Collar Girl
It’s been less than one week and both are peeing and pooping on the
paper pads. Easiest potty training ever!!!!!!!!
I’m amazed. And
thrilled! They are so smart. Just amazing. I’ve been praising them
every time I see them pee or
poop outside and on the papers and they
love it! They are settled in the house now too - very calm and
already. And they are now napping when I’m on the computer
at my kitchen table, all curled up by my feet.
I’m so grateful. They
play hard and sleep through the night and I couldn’t be happier with my
little babies.
I’ve got the safety fence around the pool fence, so no
more fear of them squeezing through the pool fence.
hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. They are going to meet my 3
year old great-granddaughter tomorrow,
which is good. I’ll keep a close eye on them and they should have a lot of fun together with her and she
with them.
I want them to be comfortable around children as well as
Hope you enjoy a wonderful day tomorrow.
EE Litter - Yellow Collar Girl
Look, I got him! and now He will stop for 5 min!!!!!
DD Litter
DD Litter - Purple Collar Girl
DD Litter - Orange Collar Girl
Hi Kimberly,
Thanks for the certificate!
just want to tell you that my little "Shelby" is amazing!! She has
been the most wonderful addition and companion to my family.
Both my
kids adore her, she has such a bright and loving personality that I
can't imagine my home without her. We have been taking
the puppy
classes and working on the training - and she's doing terrific. Here
are some recent photos of my furry Shelby.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
DD Litter - Yellow Collar Girl
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Y Litter - Pink Collar Girl & DD Litter - Pink Collar Girl
My how time flies, I hope this email finds you and Dale doing very
well. Fall in in the air and the leaves are turning. Zia has had her
last shots and we have been taking her out out.
She loves going out but
does get a bit car sick , at times. She is good with a lease and as
young as she is very well socialized, alert of her surroundings and
where her family is at all
times already. The entire Vet off just
loves her and almost the entire staff will always come to visit Zia and
say hi to her - of course she loves the attention!
have below a testimony for you to use. You do have our permission as
use it as you wish. If a grammatical error, you have our permission to
make changes or corrections.
I didn't include any pictures as I know
you have some of both Kona and Zia.
Testimony: Our relationship with Kimberly started over two years ago in
the search to find the perfect Belgium Tervuren (Terv) for my wife and me as we
are active empty nesters.
We had a list
of questions on the breed; on her as a breeder and as well as her puppies and foundation
dogs. The more information we received
and investigated the more calls we
made to Kimberly. Of all of the breeders, we spoke to,
we found Kimberly to be the most passionate individual for her dogs and the Belgium
Tervuren breed. She is a wealth of
knowledge and truly cares about the proper
placement of her puppies. After many
calls with many questions, we purchased our first Terv from Kimberley.
Y Liter 2017 - Pink collar Ysabella Sierra Star Roberson (Kona).
Kimberley provided a detailed folder not only about the shots given,
Kona’s pedigree, but about what to feed our
new family addition as well as
information to provide to our pets veterinary doctor about the breed and our
new family member. Kimberley did follow
up calls and emails and encouraged
us to call or email her anytime with any
questions, concerns or needs.
Our puppy, for her age, was well socialized, is
very smart and loving. We cannot be any
happier with the purchase of our puppy.
We would strongly recommend Kimberley if you are
looking to purchase a
Terv. In our opinion, SHE IS the best
breeder to purchase a Terv from. More
so, that we drove down to pick up our second Terv and met with Kimberley and
her husband Dale. D Litter - pink collar
Destiny Rosa Roberson (Zia). The Roberson’s are truly wonderful honest people. No surprises her dogs are all very well
socialized, smart,
well cared for (and, again, the Terv's are wonderful breed). The facility is very clean and Kimberly is
well organized. Again, if you are truly
interested in getting a Terv, we strongly
recommend Kimberly Roberson as the go
to person.
All the best to you, Dale and the Fuzzy Kids,
Tony and Mary
CC Litter
CC Litter - Pink Collar Girl
Hay, I just wanted to say thanks for Camie, because she is probably the biggest joy of my life.
CC Litter - Lt Blue Collar Boy
I purchased Hank aka: Can’t Buy Me Love Roberson in April of 2018. He
was the first Tervuren I had ever seen. Kimberly was full of good solid
information that is very breed specific.
Tervuren are not trained like
the 6 golden retreivers
I’ve had in the past. She encouraged me to show and even came to my
first show to help show me what to do. Since then, Hank
has championed
in IABCA as a puppy in confirmation. Titled in AKC as: Good Citizen
Canine, Beginner Novice Obedience and Rally Intermediate.
He is smart, handsome, loyal and
adores me. I love him so much, I
decided to get another! And in spite of now being friends with Tervuren
breeders all over the world, I went back to Kimberly at Roberson
I now have Hank and Schafer (Never My Love
Roberson) and I couldn’t be happier. I still have so much to learn and
Kimberly takes great pleasure in sharing her wealth of knowledge.
There maybe a third Roberson Belgian in my future!
Hawk and his friends (NN Littter Gray Tervuren)
BB Litter
BB Litter - Dk Blue Collar Boy
Hello Kimberly it’s me Ulani I own Kylo from BB litter 2017. I thought
about you this past week and I thought I’d send you some pictures of
I hope you and the other Tervurens are doing ok! I can say Kylo
was doing great and he is an amazing dog he truly is the love of my
❤️Enjoy the photos!