E Litter Playing with their Father Gael E Litter playing with their Father Gael
E Litter Playing with their Father Gael Dale Playing with Elise & Gael
Gael Gael
Ginger 12wk and Ethan 1year
Oh Mom I'm not that Dirty!!!
Baila is 2 years, All she wanted was a New Purse!!!! She is such a Sweet Girl!!!
Ginger Let me lead, I know how to do this Dance!" "No, I want to
lead" "See if you would just listen to me we can Dance really
(Next stop Dancing With The Stars!!!!!!)
Puppies Playing
************************************************************************************************************************************************ Where They Sleep!
Grimie & Gael on the bottom bunk and Kylie on the top Bunk Grimie & Kylie on the bottom bunk and Gael on the floor
Kylie Grime and Aramis on the bottom bunk and Byron on the top bunk and Amanda on the floor Aramis